Monday, November 28

is that my town?

so the really interesting thing about having Tam explore leicester on her own is she sees the city so differentyl. I know that braunstone is a dump, it's a pain to deal with through work and its ASBO heaven (anti social behaviour order), she sees the beauty spot, because it does have a lovely green park, i just never stopped to look at it.
It's not a dangerous area for her or i'd have said, it's just that my dad once called it the open prison, for a reason. I know, it's getting lots of money and they are trying really hard to improve it, but it will never be anything else in my mind.
Her photos too are showing me things i never noticed. I must look at my city again. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

as a creative sort I find beauty in strange places but honestly concerning Braunstone there is NO WAY it's evident from looking that this is what we in the States call a "project" (planned govt funded housing)...I did not see the broken glass or graffiti you mentioned except going down Fulhurst Ave toward Gooding

2:11 pm  
Blogger Hageltoast said...

lol, i don't think it would quite calss as a project, its a mix of private and council housing, and of course a lot of people who have bought council houses, the projects would be more like St Matthews. I still think brausntone is wasted on its residents its a lovely area.

2:32 pm  

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