Friday, November 25


Ok, so Tammy arrived a couple of hours early, which worked out well, coz i was able to scrounge a lift back in the pool car rather than getting a cab.
We wandered down to Asda (wallmart now) for some basic supplies, and then reviewed maps of the area.
I put dinner in when Mark said he was able to make it down. We had roast chicken, sweet potatoe mash, roasties, roast parsnips, peas & gravy. It was very good, if i do say so myself. Of course it was pretty much just bung it in the oven and forget it for a while, but its ages since i've had a chicken that fell away from the bone so beautifully.
Anyway, Tam then headed up to let people know se was here safe and Mark and i vegged out in front of the tv.
All told it was a good night.
I am looking forward to getting to know Tam better and having a lot of fun over the next few months.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tam is really pleased to be here and having a blast so far, darling

btw YES the roast and sides were excellant and sorry I was so out of it I didn't say so last nite!

3:17 pm  

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