Tuesday, June 6

It's dirt OK!!!!

I just spent two days in a lab learning about soil mechanics. Some of the experiments were fun, but i could pass up on all the math, bleauch. Cheered myself up by investing in Death Cab for Cutie "Plans". Actually class wasn't that bad, itwas just ahell of a lot to take in, in a really short time, thepeople were goodand I had some fun, but added to the travelling needed it was pretty tiring, my brain aches from just tryingtokeep up.
The weekend was Loonstock, but M wasreally poorly so we didn't go, we were both gutted, but its too far to risk him not beinng well for the drive back, if it had been somewhere closer we might have risked it. The best weekend of lunacy, fire staring, tray jousting and hanging out with hippies of the year passed without us, we shall have to make up for it some how.
What else since i last posted? oh I saw my parents, they broughtGrandpa's old sideboard for me, it's abeautiful piece of furniture and i love it!! We all decampedto borders for chats, where mum told me Dad said hehopes i stick with M coz he's such a good sort. I realise this sounds good to you all, but you probably don't realise the imensity of something like this from my dad. If i ask him what he thinks of someone he usually says something like, "oh well idon't really know him", so to volunteer something like this, well we can seriously start looking for rings. Yay!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

and about bloody time too!

4:15 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooops. Forgot to add any form of identifying mark to that last one. Sorry.



4:17 pm  

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