Wednesday, May 17

accidental cults, tequila slammers and the rain

the title links to a post by Tequila Red about kindness in the rain. I guess the rain in Chicago isn't that much different from the rain in Leicester, it's grey, miserable, wet and occurs about 300 days a year.

Anyway, it reminded me that I am a joinee, and apart from generally trying to be nicer to people I haven't actively done any good deeds in ages. I need to start getting some Random Acts of Kindness going again.

For those of you that don't know, Joinees originated from Danny Wallace who decided to place an advert asking people to join him. Eventually he had to provide a satisfactory answer to what people were joining him to do (amazing how many people signed up prior to a mission statement). Good Fridays were born.

For more information check out the website

for more information on Danny Wallace and his books


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