Friday, March 24

Study Leave

I took today off as study leave. Work are putting me through some education and the upside, apart from enoying the courses, is I get time off to study. That's what today is, a day for studying. Jo immediately said, "so skiving then". Well yes, a lot. I did some studying this morning, I shall do some more this afternoon, but really, i've been in a funk and needed some mental health space to find my balance again. I don't have as much time to breathe as i used to,and breathing is so very improtant. Not just in an in out move oxygen about kind ofway, but in a timeout from life to relax and take stock way. I have become more and more agitated, unable tositstill, my desk at work is spotless but the house is a tip. My priorities are skewed, I am not balanced. Normally I manitain a lightly chaotic balance, the house is untidy, but an hour would see it fit for visitors, at least ones who know me and don't mind the furries, my desk is a little busy, but I can find everything. Lately i got to where I couldn't find anything even if i'd only just put it down at work, I just kept feeling like i wanted to burst into tears, same thing at home, Iwas restless, irratable, notgood.
So today, today was about doing some equatins to reassure myself I could and stopping fora while, slumping in front of the tv with a coffee, doing a few dishes and not having to inorder to cook supper, finally posting that post about cafe italiano n the food blog. Having a bath in the middle of the afternoonand thinking about what i want to get done, then narrowing it down to a couple of things i can get done easily.
I'm not sure it solved everything, but a day away from normal has definately helped. Now M is home, I shall get dressed, we shall do the shopping, I will maybe get some laundry done, and between loads I will sit and enjoy being with him, instead of flitting around all flustered.


Blogger Toni said...


3:19 pm  

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