Tuesday, September 6

get the bunny a tin cup

and a harmonica. I swear that wabbit thinks shes a lifer. She runs her teeth along the bars of her hutch door insistant and demanding. I think she'd be quite at home in San Quentin.
We will proof the kitchen for when i am out then she will have a bit more space and no sockets to stick her paws in.

Lots of unrelated thoughts today, i shall share a few.

Why does no one grow gooseberries anymore? I loved them as a kid, just over ripe.

I need to lose weight, not just for my health but because I havent climbed a tree since i was 13 and i wanna!

you Can't do a parachute jump in the uk if you are 17st or over not sure i want to jump out of a plane, but i think i like having the option (just)

check you havent got a key stuck in on your keyboard before phoning IT.


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