Monday, October 17

I'll never come down!!

Listening to - XLR8R, sadly not going any more, they split in 1996, but i still enjoy them. :)

Well, lunch with Vibs was great, nice to see her, and we went to Lush, always a mistake when you have no money. heehee.

Beyond that, I hung out with the bunnies and got some stuff sorted. Problem with all this industrius sorting is the binmeb don't take extra trash bags and I am clearingt he debris of 5 years and two relationships out of this house. I am of course keeping a few select items, but I have sooo much crap. I am also organising the memoribilia I do have so I can enjoy it instead of drowning in it.

Other thanthat I am just chilling here on my Pc, thinking about everyone out there on the www and how tenuous our connections really are. I have made good friends and met the love of my life through a screen and a keyboard. How weird is that?


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