Thursday, February 23


It's been 12months now since i started blogging. Time to take stock.
I was recently single (like a week) after a 3 year relationship.
I didn't get out much, even by a hermits standards.
Since then:
i met Mark
I went on my first ever camping trip, and several more.
I went to my first ever music festival.
i went to Germany and Edinburgh and Wales
I made a lot of new friends
I got the jobi really wanted
I started an evening class
I started a distance learning course, and completed 2 modules
I started to rediscover my love for cooking
I started to stretch the limits of my comfort zone and step right outside it sometimes
i started towalk to work. Faultering a bit at the moment but have ou seen that weather?

It's been a pretty good year. A few things left to achieve but all told a pretty good year. :)


Blogger Toni said...

Sounds like an eventful year and you've accomplished a lot :)

4:24 pm  
Blogger QueenieCarly said...

I'm going to have to look into my anniversary. I'm not sure when I started, but it should be coming up soon.

Happy Anniversary!

5:32 am  

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