Tuesday, April 11

6 weeks to a year

May 25th 2005 this was my blog entry...

Marvellous May!!
so Piers, my brother, came up at the weekend to clear the garden and give me something to work with, it was a jungle, and there wqas a severe danger of being eaten alive by ants in there!!
So he was due to come up thursday evening, he finally arrived at 2:30am on friday. YIKES!!! I had to wait up for him. No wonder really that since then my cold has won and i am really feeling quite poorly.
Still we got loads done and on saturday a few people came round to bbq, it was lovely. A few people included Mark, who came from a little further up north to meet me while my bro and friends where there. He even ended up having to meet mum who hadnt left when expected. He took it all in his stride and we had a wonderful weekend. Erm...I think he's my boyfriend *grins*, it certainly has that feel to it. Will have more idea after this weekend. He's coming down again. :)
I am very happy inspite of illness!
posted by Hageltoast at 3:54 PM 0

it's six weeks away to the date that I met Mark for the first time. It's flown by so fast, and we have come such a long way. I hope our 2nd year together will start with him moving in.
It's so funny, we nearly argued for the first time at the weekend, but totally failed to get into proper fight mode. lol
me: we can honeymoon in australia
him: i don't like australia, what about new zealand?
me what's wrong with australia?
him? it's just like here but hotter
me: well I want to go to australia
him: well it's good to know i'm getting no say at all in anything

time passes
him: what about the maldeves
me: I don't want to go to the stupid maldeves i want to go to australia, but fine, we can go to new zealand

a few minutes later
me: how about we buy a VW van and tour europe in it?
him: yeah, lets do that.

Crises averted. Of course, there nees to be a proposal, engagement, wedding and all the rest before where we go for the honeymoon becomes life or death, nothing like getting ahead of ourselves. ;)


Blogger Jazz said...

You just wanna go to Oz for Prax and PG & company. Admit it. ;-)

1:29 pm  
Blogger Hageltoast said...

of course!

1:34 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's one thing I love about our blogs, we're documenting so much of our lives. What a great way to look back on things. I am terrible at keeping a journal, but I enjoy blogging. It's kind of the same thing, isn't it?

7:54 am  

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